Permanent exhibition (of Hungarian fine arts of the XX.th century)

The collection in its present form can be seen since 1994, it was donated to the town by Dénes Deák (1931-1993), art collector. The permanent exhibition covering an area of 600 square metres was shaped when three historic buildings in the inner town were combined; it also includes a fresco-room of the 18th century that was part of Count Ferenc Esterházy's palace.

The Deák-collection presents the most important trends and artists of modern Hungarian painting from the beginning of the 20th century until the eighties. The permanent exhibition displays about 400 works of art: the Hungarian art of the first half of the century is represented by László Mednyánszky, József Rippl-Rónai, Lajos Gulácsy, Béla Czóbel, Ödön Márffy, Lajos Tihanyi, Gyula Rudnay, József Egry, István Nagy, István Farkas, Béla Kádár, Imre Ámos and others, while the period after 1945 is represented by artists of the European School (Margit Anna, Endre Bálint, Jenő Gadányi, Tihamér Gyarmathy, Dezső Korniss, Gyula Marosán) and contemporary Hungarian artists (Menyhért Tóth, Péter Ujházi, Tamás Szikora, Pál Deim, László Fehér, László Hegedűs 2).

Remarkable small sculptures and medallions complement the collection, works by Fülöp Beck Ö., Márk Vedres, Ferenc Medgyessy, Vilmos Fémes Beck, Béni Ferenczy, Elza Kövesházi Kalmár, Pál Pátzay, Jenő Kerényi and Miklós Borsos.

© Városi Képtár – Deák Gyűjtemény • 8000 Székesfehérvár, Oskola u. 10. – deak@deakgyujtemeny.hu